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  7. Connelly Destroyer 3 Towable Tube

Connelly Destroyer 3 Towable Tube


inkl. 19% MwSt. | zzgl. Versandkosten
Lieferzeit: 2-5 Werktage


Artikelnummer: 2367201071
  • 3 rider tube with multiple position seating – cockpit, chariot, or 2 riders in the saddle seats
  • Two-Way Tow for more added value and fun for the entire family
  • 840D Nylon cover with five soft EVA pads, fully enclosed heavy duty bladder
  • 6 padded handles with knuckle guards and 8 grab straps for added safety
  • Boston valve for easy inflation, and quick connect tube rope attachment
  • Covered mesh bottom drains excess water
  • Peel and stick repair kit included

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Mo-Fr von 12-19 Uhr | Sa von 10-15 Uhr

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