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  7. Barefoot Int Boom Extension
Barefoot Int

Barefoot Int Boom Extension


inkl. 19% MwSt. | zzgl. Versandkosten
Lieferzeit: 2-5 Werktage


Artikelnummer: 2022-B110

Boom Extension(B110):

Just like our booms, our boom accessories are made from high quality aircraft grade materials to provide industry leading safety and reliability. The boom extension is designed to connect in between the inside and outside sections of the boom to increase overall length. Increasing the length allows you to move the skier away from the side of the boat so they are not stuck in the chine spray. Each boom extension adds 18” of length. The extension is compatible with all Barefoot International brand booms except for Tower Boom(W206, 207, 208, and 209).

Tech Specs and Summary:

  • Made from aircraft grade aluminum
  • Only compatible with pylon mounted booms
  • Push pin installation takes just seconds
  • 23 ¼” long x 2” diameter

Du hast eine Frage zum Produkt?

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Mo-Fr von 12-19 Uhr | Sa von 10-15 Uhr

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