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  7. 2023 Follow DOCA – Black

2023 Follow DOCA – Black


inkl. 19% MwSt. | zzgl. Versandkosten
Lieferzeit: 2-5 Werktage


Artikelnummer: F13202BL


Welcome to the world of Pedro Caldas. Welcome to the DOCA. Truly unique enough to match his riding, this is our new staple pro vest. Nothing spared. A completed combination of function, performance, and detail.

Versatile vest style and flexibility-minded design for your every day riding adventures.
The Mens relaxed fit, it’s a not too loose, it’s not too tight, with Diamond quilted stitched segmentation pattern and Pedro’s name on it, there is zero chance your going home alone. Constructed for maximum impact protection while the TrueFit© liner moves along with your body and the vest’s outer layer in perfect harmony for comfortable, friction free ride.

Size: , ,

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Mo-Fr von 12-19 Uhr | Sa von 10-15 Uhr

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