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  7. 2021 Connelly Lil Easy 4.6 Wakesurfer

2021 Connelly Lil Easy 4.6 Wakesurfer


inkl. 19% MwSt. | zzgl. Versandkosten
Lieferzeit: 2-5 Werktage


Artikelnummer: 2162214476

Finally there’s a true longboard for smaller, lighter riders. The Big Easy has been such a hit with surfers, but it can be a lot of board to handle for kids and others not packing many lbs. So our scientists developed the first ever shred-shrinking machine that can miniaturize an actual Big Easy into a board that handles like a true longboard for lighter riders.

Riding Style: Intermediate/Advanced
Profile: Epoxy
Rocker: Surf


  • Surf design
  • Epoxy construction
  • EPS foam core w/5mm stringer
  • Walkable full EVA pad
  • Tri – 6.5” center, 3.6″ Futures
  • Designed for: Intermediate/Advance

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Mo-Fr von 12-19 Uhr | Sa von 10-15 Uhr

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